Retirement Freedom Radio
with Shane Cloninger
Saturdays 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM
About the Show:
Retirement Freedom is a program about how to realize your retirement dreams with your host Shane Cloninger. Retirement Freedom is a radio show designed to help you understand the world of investments and answer your personal financial questions. It’s not just about wealth accumulation, but also about wealth distribution. You’ll learn how to grow your money, how to keep it safe, and how to plan for retirement.
For more information call 425-451-2950
About Shane:
Shane Cloninger has over 30 years of experience in financial services. He founded SC Financial Group, LLC and is a LPL Registered Principal. Mr. Cloninger graduated from Southern Connecticut State University in 1990 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Economics/Finance. He currently hosts the ‘Retirement Freedom’ radio show, a talk radio show developed to help the average investor gain clarity on a very complex financial world. ‘Retirement Freedom’. The show has been on the air in the Pacific Northwest for over a decade and can be heard on a number of stations in the area. He has been a speaker at numerous financial conferences across the country and has personally hosted hundreds of investment and insurance workshops and seminars over the years. Mr. Cloninger has focused his career on retirement income strategies, investor education, and management of client portfolios. He has served on the boards of the Watts Foundation and the Everett Community College Foundation. His belief in education is driven by his own personal experiences both academic and professional. Shane enjoys hiking, backpacking, and fishing in the Pacific Northwest with his family and friends.