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Community Passover Seder

Beit Tikvah Messianic Congregation, 136th Avenue Southeast, Newcastle, WA, USA

Thu Apr 17, 2025 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM (PDT)
The Seder meal is a physical way to remember the Exodus of the Children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt. Join Beit Tikvah as we re-tell God's goodness to His people. The story of Passover also foretells Yeshua's sacrifice as the Passover Lamb: a perfect substitute, without spot or blemish. Our evening will include a traditional Seder with Yeshua as the center, worship and traditional Passover songs, and a full meal.
Registration link: https://subspla.sh/c7zzmgf/
Event Admission: Cost is $25/person, children 18yrs and under are $15.
Event Sponsor: Beit Tikvah Messianic Congregation
For more information: